s a m p l e   h o s e



Inspired by the 'Image Hose' of Fractal Design Painter, Sample Hose is another of the brassage effects (cf. Chunk Munger, Brassage Time Stretch & Granular Synthesis). It is simply an effect that 'slices' the sound-file into small chunks and sprays them around the stereo space. There are a number of parameters which can effect how the slices are redistributed and processed.


Initial values and variances are 'inbetweened' using the following curvature values: 100=linear, 200=concave, 0=convex.

Pitch: a percentage of the original pitch - 50% is down an octave, 200% is up an octave
Volume: Gain, expressed as a percentage - 50% is half the volume, 200% is twice the volume
Pan: expressed as a percentage - 0%: left ch, 50%: centre, 100%: right ch.
Velocity: expressed as a percentage - 0%: Stationary, 100%: Moving.
Fragment: Length of 'slice' expressed in units
Step Size: The length between succesive copies.