
This is a little Javascript program that calculates the frequencies of partials in a harmonic or subharmonic series, and returns the results in a tab-delimited list ready for pasting into Excel.

Frequencies are calculated as: f n = f 0 ( s ( n 1 ) + 1 ) e + α , where f0 is the fundamental frequency, s is the Scaling Factor, n is the partial number, e is the Exponent and α is the Frequency Addition constant.

If the ‘Subharmonics’ checkbox is ticked, however, then frequencies are calculated as: fn=f0(s(n-1)+1)e-α

Fundamental frequency:


Fundamental frequency (Hz)

Scaling factor (1.0 = normal)

Exponent (1.0 = normal)

Frequency addition (Hz)

Number of partials

Quantize microtones to nearest:

Output (tab-delimited)
can be copied and pasted into Excel

Music Notation:


NB: quarter-flats and quarter-sharps are encoded as double-flats and double-sharps, as Sibelius does not correctly import quartertones. Grrrr.