w a v e s e t   h a r m o n i c   d i s t o r t i o n



A waveset is three zero-crossings:

Waveset Harmonic Distortion adds 'harmonics' of each waveset to the sound - for example, a second harmonic would be twice the frequency of the 'fundamental' waveset. The user is allowed to set each harmonic's volume - for example, whether the first harmonic is 50% of the fundamental, the second harmonic is 25% of the fundamental, etc.

This effect generally results in an increase of noise; we can see why Wishart called the waveset effects constructive distortion...




Number of Harmonics: How many 'harmonics' are to be added?
Harmonic's gain: The relative gain from the previous harmonic: eg 50% would mean that the second harmonic would be 25% of the fundamental.