s p e c t r a l   f r e e z i n g



In this effect, we take a number of analysis 'windows' from the start of the selected sound, and 'freeze' those sounds in time. The analyses are simply kept in memory, and then replayed in a random walk fashion (ie from one window to a neighbouring window), throughout the duration of the remainder of the selection. You can also specify the 'freeze amount', which is the percentage of the original spectrum which can be heard through the frozen sound-file.

Here are two spectrograms displaying spectral freezing in action:

Original Spectrum

 'Frozen' Spectrum


Freeze amount: A percentage representing the amount with which the frozen sound-file is crossfaded with the original sound-file.

Number of windows: The number of analysis windows which are 'stored' in the effect's memory. A small number (ie <4) represents a very static, frozen sound, while a larger number represents a more sonically active sound-freeze.