m u t a t e



This effect is based heavily on the SoundHack program's Spectral Mutation effect, although without all the 'delta emphasis' and 'band persist' parameters. (I guess I might put those in some time). I also renamed the USIM, ISIM, IUIM, UUIM, LCM spectral mutation functions to rather more useful (or perhaps more useless) names. Anyway, seeing as I usually have absolutely no idea as to what is going to come out of this effect, I don't expect you will either. Like any good Darwinian evolutionary process, just keep mutating until you find something that works...

Here's two sound-files that have been mutated together:

The original spectra

The mutated spectrum




Mutation Type: The sort of mutation that the sounds are to undergo. Here are some rather vague attempts to explain them:

Hybrid: A spectral cross-fade
Partial Substitution: Spectral band-replacement
Unstable Mutant: Calculates amplitude changes which may 'drift' completely from the original sound-files
Weird Unstable Mutant: Like the Unstable Mutant, only weirder
Completely Way-Gone: Tends to 'drift' so fast that you just end up with 'spectral' noise...

Number of partials mutated: Mutate will choose a number of partials to do its magic on for each analysis window. Those that aren't chosen just remain the same.